Thursday, February 22, 2007

Babies & Bluegrass...Quite a Day!

We had another doctor's appointment today and also had the gift of another ultrasound! Our son astounded us with his flexibility...

Even the ultrasound tech was laughing at how his feet are touching his forehead. His left elbow is that little chicken wing you see...his left hand was on one ear and feet on the other. No wonder we can feel him moving all the time - he's performing magnificent gymnastic feats!

Junior's profile - eyes, lips, nose - everything's there!

We got to see the four chambers of the heart, all parts of his brain, his kidneys, and more. We are more & more amazed at how carefully and perfectly God knits us together in the womb.

After the gymnastics was on to the

We went to the "Chris Thile & How to Grow a Band" concert with some Lindenwood students and friends. It was an AWESOME bluegrass concert - fingers flying on instruments so fast they were a blur!

Front Row, Center Seats - Chris Thile could spit on us.

Dusty & Kami Jones with Chris after the show

All in all, it was quite an excellent day!

Thursday, February 8, 2007

So this is what 20 weeks looks like

It's a ritual or rite of passage or something. One must take pictures of one's expanding belly while pregnant. I'm sure those of you far away have been wondering, "What does Amy look like now that she's halfway through being pregnant?" Well...wonder no more...

Just couldn't put the naked belly online, so here I am in some Under Armour. So, this is what 20 weeks of Baby Boy Wood looks like! We'll keep you posted...

Tuesday, February 6, 2007

Introducing...Ella Mercy Porter

The Porter Family is now 3!! Ben & Anna, some of our best St. Louis friends, had their daughter yesterday. Ella Mercy Porter joined the world at 2:12 pm...7 lbs 11 oz and 21 inches long. We are a very proud "Uncle Andy & Auntie Amy" at the moment, so we have to show her off!

Anna & Ella

Adorable yawn

She's so tiny & perfect...the Lord is good.

With the ladies & the gents!

A potential wife for Junior? We'll have to wait and see!