Sunday, November 29, 2009

Yes, We're Still Here

Yes, the Wood Family is still alive and kickin', just not blogging! We've had a busy month full of a baptism, a birthday, teething, colds, ear infections, entertaining, traveling, Pampered Chef parties, turkey eating, online Black Friday shopping, and more colds. In the midst of all of that, I haven't taken hardly any pictures! The above shot is from our gerbera daisy plant that is blooming like crazy right now. Andy & Josiah got it for me for Mother's Day and apparently it loves its little corner of the garden.

I promise to be better about updating y'all on happenings at Casa de Wood. Thank you for your faithful reading!

Monday, November 9, 2009

Cereal & Camels

It has been an exciting weekend here at Casa de Wood. Cooper started eating rice cereal! And, to no one's surprise, he loves it! Here are some pictures from the first rice cereal experience...

The first night he ate just a few spoonfuls and most of the cereal ended up outside of his mouth. The next night, he was ready and seemed to know what to do with the spoon, swallowing, etc. Now I cannot get the cereal in fast enough!

At this point you may be wondering what cereal has to do with camels. Well, they're unrelated but this story was too funny not to share. Josiah has a stuffed camel that he has decided is his favorite this week. He now sleeps with it and carries it all over the house. The camel has a tag sewn onto the bottom of one of its feet (hooves?) with the manufacturer's name on it. Josiah came to me (Amy) the other day with a question and here is the subsequent conversation:

Siah: "Mommy, what does this say?" (pointing to foot/hoof tag)
Me: "That tells us who made the camel"
Siah: "God made the camel. This says God"
Me: "Well, actually (long pause, do I really explain all of this?) ...yes Siah, you're right, that says God"
Siah: Yeah! (runs away with camel)

So I guess we'll have to explain later that Fred or whoever made the camel is not in fact God, but for now that answer is sufficient. Oh, that boy makes me laugh!

Thursday, November 5, 2009

Cooper is 4 Months Old!

Cooper has reached the ripe old age of 4 months, as of this past Monday, November 2nd. He had his check-up at the doctor yesterday and is doing well!

He currently weighs 13 lbs 12 ozs and is 24.5 inches long, putting him in the 30th percentile for both height and weight. Even though he started out bigger than Josiah at birth, he's smaller than Siah was at 4 months. He's currently obsessed with his feet and trying to get his entire hand into his mouth. He is almost rolling over and his legs are moving constantly. I think he may be our little speedster!

Tuesday, November 3, 2009

Cooper's Baptism Weekend

"For the promise is for you and for your children and for all who are far off, everyone whom the Lord our God calls to himself."
Acts 2:39

Cooper was baptized this past Sunday and we made it a weekend-long celebration! We were able to spend time with lots of family and had a great time.

Gram & Pop Wood with all of their grandchildren

The cousins - now why would we think it was hard to get 4 kids ages 3 and under to sit still and look at a camera?!?

Photo shoot in the christening gown. Both Amy's male cousins were baptized in this gown and now Josiah & Cooper have both worn it!

Mimi & Papa with Cooper

An attempt at a family picture...Josiah sure looks grumpy!

Gram & Pop with Cooper at the church