So...I meant to post these about a month ago, but it didn't happen. Better late than never! I think pumpkin pictures are appropriate until Thanksgiving, so I'm getting them on the blog just
in time :)
My vision: To take pictures of the boys sitting happily by their pumpkins.
We had just been on a pumpkin adventure to the Farmer's Market where they had picked out beautiful pumpkins for the front porch. I thought, "Oh what a great moment to capture! This will be easy...sit by your pumpkin and I'll snap a quick picture". I was mistaken.
Cooper was having none of this "sit and pose for a picture" business. So, my creative idea was to put them in the red wagon (with seatbelts) and have them hold their pumpkins for a festive picture. "No way", said Cooper, who refused to hold his pumpkin and looked at the camera ONCE while sitting in the wagon. Josiah was happy to give me the cheesiest 3-year-old grin

Onto the front porch, where I got plenty of great shots of Josiah by himself. Cooper was off mowing the lawn.

I did get one shot of Cooper with a can at least see his hair growing in :)

And here are the results of attempting to get both of them in the same picture. (Most of them look like the second one - Cooper running and Josiah yelling).

Should I just give up now on getting all 4 of us in a Christmas Card photo?!?