Saturday, January 30, 2010

Snow Day!

Well folks, we got some snow in our neck of the woods and have had a wonderful snow day! We were fairly unproductive for the first time in months and it was fabulous. Everyone got naps, we watched movies, stayed in our pj's until after lunch, read books, played trucks, and just had fun hanging out as a family.

The snow started last night, but Gram and Pop braved their way to our house for Pop's birthday dinner before heading on to Greensboro. Josiah helped blow out the candle, of course.

Then got some good tickle time with Pop

And reading time with Gram

Even though the poor child still has a runny nose, we let him play outside this afternoon. Since we live in the South, and it snows about once a year, I hadn't bought snow bibs or boots or anything for him. Therefore, you get to see this lovely "snow outfit".

Thanks Auntie AK, for the boots! He actually wants to wear them all the time these days!

Daddy obviously needed help shoveling

Look Mommy, snow!

Monster trucks can handle any terrain

Cooper and I stayed inside (we're no dummies, it was 22 degrees out there). Here's a picture of the boys playing trucks after naps this afternoon.

Hope y'all had a great Saturday!

Thursday, January 28, 2010

It all adds up

2 boys
2 snotty noses
2 infected ears
1 case of bronchitis
1 sleepless night
2 prescriptions filled
2 bottles of tylenol
2 bottles of ibuprofen
1 bottle of benadryl
1 tired daddy
1 sad momma

Thursday, January 21, 2010

What a Week!

We're still here, just lots of running around and NO picture taking! I guess we'll try to do something picture-worthy soon :)

Cooper had his 6 month check-up this past week. Can you believe he's SIX months old already?!?

His Stats:
Weight: 16 lbs 3.5 oz (20th percentile)
Height: 26.5 inches (40th percentile)
Head: 70th percentile

He's rolling over all the time, scooting, jumping constantly (impossible to get a diaper on this child), growing teeth (2 already through) and babbling. Overall he is a happy, laid-back baby. Once he starts moving he's going to be fast, so I'm stocking up on running shoes.

In other news this week...we're potty-training, preschool-shopping, playing outside in unseasonably warm weather, and painting (I get the urge to change things and paint is the easiest remedy).

Hopefully we'll have a fun picture post soon!

Saturday, January 9, 2010


Two boys in a tub!

Bath time tonight...

Tuesday, January 5, 2010


This is what happens when you're 6 months old and it's 32 degrees outside, but Mommy and Bella NEED a run...

You get to look like a fuzzy elf! At least he's a cute fuzzy elf :)