As you know, there are quite a few things going on at Casa de Wood these days...we are up to our ears in boxes, house projects, daily good-byes, and trying to have some "normal" things like playdates and dinner! I'm taking a break from packing to post some pictures from Easter. We're only a few weeks late, right?!?
We actually had Easter baskets this year (I completely neglected them last year). Of course, we waited to unveil them until dinner time, but at least they got them! Andy didn't get a basket, just a pile of goodies :)

I was silly enough to think I could get a picture of the boys before church...they would not stand together ANYWHERE, so here's what I got.

We found Daddy at church and at least got one of the 3 of them!

(I have no idea why Cooper's finger is in his ear, but they're at least all somewhat looking at the camera)
Walking to the car after church

It was a laid-back, stress-free Easter. We were able to actually worship and savor the day, instead of worrying about feeding 15 people or missing naps or traveling. We had a yummy dinner from the grill with great friends and are so thankful for the Lord and this day!