Wednesday, May 30, 2007

Covenant Seminary Graduation

Covenant Seminary's Graduation was May 18th. It's hard to believe so many of our close friends are now spread out around the country doing ministry! Here are a few pics of the event...

Danny, Andy, & John

The Trifecta will now be living in different cities for the first time in about 7 years! Danny, Aspa, & Coleman are in Charleston, SC doing RUF. John & Kate are sticking around St. Louis for a while - YAY!

Part of the Crew - the Porters, the Clarks, the Woods, & the Earlys

Couldn't resist posting these...Uncle Andy with his favorite Porter. Look at those big blue eyes!

Eric Ashley's Graduation Party

Eric and Annette threw a graduation party/concert so that Eric could play one more time with people that he's played with throughout his time at Covenant.

The Band

Andy has truly enjoyed playing with Eric over the past 3 years...they make a great guitar & mandolin combo!

Andy, Amy, Annette, & Eric

We met Eric & Annette at orientation during our first couple days in St. Louis. They're off to a church in Macon, GA. We will really miss them!

1 comment:

A.K. said...

can't believe we'll be at Andy's graduation THIS DECEMBER!!! and there will be a little one there also! yay... only a few more weeks!