Josiah got home yesterday afternoon and had a pretty good transition to life at home. Bella is curious (and not too jealous yet), and Josiah is still eating, sleeping, and pooping like a true champion.

Mimi and Papa have been here since Monday afternoon (after the marathon drive!). They've been a huge help and it has been great to have them here.

Somehow it didn't take very long for Papa to institute family naps...

So far, Josiah can only do level 1 Sudokus- but give him a week and he'll be doing those balck belt ones!

Thanks so much to Mimi and Papa for all you've done so far. It's a joy to have you guys here.
Great to see some "At-Home" pictures. All looks very calm and peaceful - are we sure this is not a vacation?? Everybody looks great and I can surely tell that at least Mimi knew her photo was about to be blogcast....
Can't wait until Josiah's eyes are open for some pictures; but I can be patient.
Take Care - !
I WANT TO BE THERE!!! I keep having to go play with Baby Bo in order to get my baby fix... but i want to hold MY nephew-
Josiah- Scotty is now well trained in holding a baby- so don't worry when he holds you- I promise he won't drop you or hold u upside down or anything! we've had him in training these past 3 weeks just for you
Congratulations MiMi and Papa - it seems like yesterday we were holding our own babies! Love, Aunt Debbie
Hi! I stopped over from A.K.'s blog and just wanted to wish you and your family congratulations on baby Josiah! He is so precious!!!
We wish we could have been there to welcome little Josiah home, but the pictures will have to do. Congratulations, you guys!
CONGRATULATIONS!! We are so happy for you guys. Can't wait to meet Josiah someday. Maybe he and Carlee Scott can be buddies. Check out our blog when you can. We've had it going since CS turned 1 and it's been so much fun. We'll be adding even more posts now that baby #2 is coming. Congrats again!
Love, Jessica Alley
He is precious and you are gorgeous!! I can't wait to catch up and hear all the details. Your phone call last week made my month. You are dearly loved. Give Josiah and Andy a squeeze from CO!
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