You might have been wondering...where the heck have the Woods been? They haven't posted new pictures of Josiah in 4 or 5 days! Well, sadly, nothing too exciting has happened this week. We went a couple days without even picking up the camera! Shocking, I know. We've been on lots of walks, run some errands to thrilling places such as Bed, Bath, & Beyond, and sat on the front porch glider. Josiah did attend his first RUF large group on Tuesday night, so he heard some quality hymns and part of a sermon (he decided he wanted to be outside for the other part of the sermon). Despite this whirlwind schedule (yes, I know you're wondering "they go to one place a day, how on earth do they do it?!?"), Andy managed to capture some of Josiah's many facial expressions yesterday.
I think he's about to do a cheer in this one...or show off his bulging biceps

Hope you enjoyed seeing some of the funny stuff we see daily. We'll try to do something exciting over the weekend for the sake of the blog! Have a great Friday!
Absolutely precious! What wonderful pictures! Thanks for the new pictures.
He is looking more and more like a little baby and loosing that newborn look--we love it! I can't believe i live a few yards away and i have to see his little faces on the computer--we've got to change this! But here's our vote: Ben loved the Blue Steel pose and i liked the mischievous one.
so great!!! can't wait to come take more pictures of that little stud
ps- check this site:
it's for running strollers- talk to a mom at the park when we were with pigbear and she LOVES hers and swears by it- there is even a little attachment for when josiah is still needing to be in a car seat in a stroller
Hey there Wood family- it's Laura from A.K.'s wedding! Just wanted to tell you how handsome your new edition is! Josiah is such a lucky little man to have such great parents and extended family; Karl and I wish you all the very best! Also, I sent A.K. some really cute pictures of you guys at the wedding and there's a great one of you and Andy so make sure she sends them your way! Take care!
Keep up the good work.
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