Tuesday, August 14, 2007

True Confession

So...I had a true "Ohmygosh, I've gone soft and actually become a mom" moment this weekend. Sunday night, Andy & I sat down to watch "Friday Night Lights" (the movie). Let me preface this by saying that I have watched hundreds of movies and am not usually seriously affected by them...especially football movies. I had the hardest time watching this one! There are quite a few scenes where high school boys are getting beat up all over the football field. I kept burying my head in Andy's shoulder and thinking about how their moms must feel, watching their sons get bloody faces, torn ligaments, and broken collarbones. What on earth has happened to me?!? I then decided that our son can play baseball, soccer, tennis, golf, or basketball, be a swimmer, a runner, a skier, snowboarder, or surfer. Football, wrestling, and hockey are no longer options. Andy is afraid I'm going to make Josiah walk around in a bubble :) So, apparently this kid has changed me and I am now a wimp when it comes to kids and full-contact sports. Who knew parenting would be so tricky...


Annie said...

I remember having my first Mom moments. I remember being amazed by my instinct to truly be willing to lay down my life for my child...something I had never truly FELT like doing for anyone else. I remember looking at my new child and being amazed at how much I could love someone that I had only known for a day. It truly does change you. And its such a beautiful change that God makes in us.
I enjoyed hearing your thoughts! Love you and miss you all,
~annie and family

A.K. said...

just wait till he buys a harley- then all your football fears will be moved on to bigger and faster things....