I am a firm believer in the idea (fact) that everyone needs some fresh air and sunshine each day. People in Raleigh were complaining of the "freezing" cold temps late last week, but the sun was shining, so I bundled up my hearty Midwestern-born child and headed outside. The truth is, Josiah and Bella were both whiny and discontent, so we had to get out of the house or else. I don't know what the "else" would have been, but it would have been bad.
Josiah in his warm, elf-looking outfit...

He played in the exer-saucer while I threw the ball with Bella. It was funny to watch him figure out how to play with his fingers covered. Once he did, he had a blast!

loving her new backyard...

She wouldn't stay still (shocking, I know), so I only got this one shot.
Come back tomorrow for pictures from our first "non-family" (well at least not blood-related) visitors!
love the elf pictures. he's so cute. does he miss me yet?
i know who came to visit you this weekend and i can't WAIT to see pictures! Bella looks so in her element off the leash and in a fenced in back yard! What a great idea to put the e-saucer outside- clever sista i have there (or maybe desperate for outside time!)
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