Monday, April 28, 2008

Tour de Virginia, Part II

Our next tour stop was to see Auntie AK & Uncle Scott. We played in the afternoon, then went to dinner with my (Amy's) grandparents.

Josiah showed Uncle Scott how he could walk all over the house.

Since they are moving to Texas in a few weeks, they gave Josiah his 1st birthday present a bit early. His first car!

Rollin' down the street, picking up chicks.

Somehow, I didn't get any pictures of Auntie AK on this trip...oops!

Our last stop was Richmond, where Josiah got to visit with Great-Grandmommie Rickman.

We then grilled out to celebrate Mimi's birthday. By that point, the photographer was tired of taking pictures, so we didn't get any of Mimi & Papa!

We had a fantastic time...YAY for fun families and fun trips!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

what a doll!! that's so cute that he has a little car! does he make it go with his feet at all? calen had a car like that when he was little and he went absolutely everywhere in that thing. even when he was in the house. like driving into the kitchen for a snack. get ready. :)