Friday, May 9, 2008


Conversations you may have heard around the Wood house recently...

Guest: "My, what a lovely downspout."

Us: "Why thank you, we just had seamless gutters, new downspouts, and gutter guards installed on our house."

Guest: "I can tell, they look fantastic."

Guest: "And your yard looks fabulous, whatever did you do?"

Us: "Well, we decided to cover the moss & Carolina red clay with mulch instead of trying to grow grass. We had 8 cubic yards of mulch delivered last weekend and just had so much fun creating this flower bed. So far, we're really good at growing hostas & vinca vine."

Okay, so these haven't really taken place, but I'm sure they will soon :) Thanks to school, moving, and having a baby, Uncle Sam was fairly good to us this year. Since we're such mature grown-ups at this point, we joyfully spent it on new gutters, tree-trimming, and mulch...not even once dreaming about a fun trip or shopping spree instead.


Mimi said...

What an amazing transformation is taking place!

A.K. said...

guess we're old too- be just used the money to buy a king size bed! when did we truly become boring grownups?!

Jessica said...

I know what you mean! We're using ours for a new roof.