Monday, August 4, 2008


We just got back from a week at the beach...I am convinced there's nothing better in the world. Except maybe 2 weeks at the beach :) We had great time with my (Amy's) family, runs & walks on the beach every morning, lots of digging & sandcastles, swimming in warm ocean water, great food, yummy drinks, naps, and just chillin' out. We literally parked the car when we drove in and did not move it until we came home. Auntie A.K. flew in from Texas, therefore making the adult to child ratio 5 to 1. I have decided this is a fabulous vacation ratio! We missed Uncle Scott, but are proud of what he's accomplished so far in the sky!

Josiah was dressed in his beach attire for our arrival, of course.

Happy Hour on the porch.

Really, Auntie A.K.? You're doing what with my child?

Josiah loved the sand and digging with Papa, Mimi, and whoever else came along...

He also loved walking all over the beach, especially straight into the water. He had no fear and would just walk right out if we didn't stop him!

Okay, that's enough for now...more pics to come later!


A.K. said...

i'm just teaching him the finer things in life- no sense wasting 21years without finding it out...right?!!!

Anonymous said...

how sweet!! and he's walking?! that's awesome. :)

Debbie said...

Not to worry - after every period of stimulation there's a period of brain development. Just keep reminding yourself that when he's ornery, he's getting smarter! Loved the beach pics.

Aunt Debbie