Monday, December 22, 2008

Siah's Video

It's December 22nd, technically 3 days until Christmas...

Our stockings are not hung by the chimney with care, because I never got around to making them.

We just finished shopping today. Nothing is wrapped.

Goodies have yet to be baked for friends and neighbors.

No Christmas cards have been sent.

Why am I not on top of my Christmas game?

Here's why...(watch video, turn up sound)


emily said...

Congratulations, Amy! What a cute way to announce it...very creative! When are you due?

Anonymous said...

Congratulations! We will anxiously be waiting for updates and hope you all have a wonderful Christmas. Love, Duncan, Tammy, Russ, and Katy

Becky Chapman said...

So cute! What a great want to make your announcement. We are so excited for you guys!

Becky Chapman said...

Okay, obviously I can't type...I meant "what a great WAY..." : )

Lee West said...

I have been waiting for the big announcement on here since I already knew the big secret thanks to your mom's party! :) Congrats again Amy!!!! It will be a big "baby year" for a lot of us!!!!!

-Lee :)

Jada Scruggs said...

congrats!!! when are you due? hope you are feeling well:)

Anonymous said...

that's awesome. so excited for you! Too bad you have to be newly pregnant with all those Christmas goodies around...hope you aren't too sick. Congrats... wish i could give you a big hug!

Meg said...

Congratulations, Amy and Andy!!! :)

Ben and Anna said...

Congrats again! Can't wait to see you in just a few days.

Jessica said...

Great news! Congratulations!

Daniel and Kimberly Jordan said...

Saw the comments on Facebook and found your blog! Congrats!! (Our 2nd is due July 1st) So fun...