Wednesday, September 23, 2009

So this is funny...

We recently switched our pest control services to a local company. They came yesterday and I realized this...the company is Cooper Pest Control. We have a son named Cooper and we decorated his nursery in a bug theme. Whoa.

Here are some pictures of the little guy, laughing with his daddy.

If you think about it, please pray for us. We all have some wicked virus that is lasting forever. Josiah has been sick for about 2 weeks - first a double ear infection and chest infection, then the virus on top of that. I've had the virus for about a week and Andy came down with it over the weekend. It's not the flu, but something similar - very sore throat, cough, congestion, etc. There's not much we can do for it, so we're a pretty sad family right now!

Saturday, September 12, 2009

" It's completely usual for me to get up in the morning,
take a look around, and laugh out loud."
-Barbara Kingsolver

I was thinking today how grateful I am that we live close to both of our parents and that our boys get to see their grandparents fairly often. We've gotten visits from each of them in the past few weeks and somehow inadvertently managed to get pictures in the same pose.

With Gram & Pop

With Mimi & Papa

We love y'all and are thankful for you!

Tuesday, September 8, 2009

Growing Up

Well, it's here...Josiah's first day of "school"! He's going to a Mother's Morning Out program one day a week. He's really excited and I'm sure this will be a great thing for our little social guy (and his mommy). Here he is with his lunchbox, ready to go!

Motherhood has done me in...I never used to be a crier, but I got a little teary-eyed while packing his lunch, getting him dressed, and taking this picture. I'm going to blame it on the lack of sleep or hormones or something like that. I'm sure in a few short weeks I'll be jumping for joy at the idea of dropping him off for the morning :)