Tuesday, May 25, 2010

Girl Talk

Anna and I had many things to talk about during our visit. Here we are on the deck, just chatting and laughing. She gives such great smiles!

Sunday, May 23, 2010

We met Baby Anna!

As most of you know, my little sister had a baby in March. We got to see her this past week at Mimi & Papa's house and spend 5 whole days playing with sweet Baby Anna! She is already 10 weeks old and as adorable as can be. She is a good baby and didn't seem to mind having 2 crazy boy cousins love on her. We obviously took millions of pictures, so I'll space them out over a few posts...

Anna was showered with kisses from Siah and Coop when we arrived. Although, I think she was a bit afraid of Cooper's kisses (they were a bit more slobbery).

Then the boys helped her figure out the kick 'n play seat.

And we attempted some group shots. Josiah was sooooo excited to be holding her!

And I believe this started out as Papa spending some time with just Anna. Clearly that was not going to work for the boys. They weren't too excited about sharing their Papa!

Wednesday, May 19, 2010


I trained for my first half-marathon in Fort Worth by myself.

I trained with Bella for my second half-marathon in St. Louis and she helped me speed up tremendously.

Andy and I are considering running a half-marathon this fall. (Considering...it's only May). This morning I strapped the boys into the double jogging stroller and went for a run. We were trucking along for a while, then I slowed to a walk to catch my breath. Josiah pipes up from the stroller with this...

"Why are we slowing down? Run, Mommy, don't walk. I want to go fast."

Seriously...my almost 3-year-old is yelling "run, Mommy, run" from the stroller. I guess I've found my new motivational running partner/coach!

Tuesday, May 11, 2010

Family Mulch Day

That's right, folks. Yesterday was Family Mulch Day at Casa de Wood! And it was as much fun as you're imagining... After 90 degree weather the past week, it was actually chilly (50s-60s) yesterday which helped immensely.

There was one little boy who was VERY enthusiastic about mulching and was actually pretty helpful! Hopefully we can hang on to this attitude through high school.

And then another little boy looking on longingly from his playpen. He'll have to wait until next year to join the festivities.

We still managed to get some smiles from him.

We finished the day dirty and tired, but the yard looks better and hopefully our plants are happy!

Wednesday, May 5, 2010

8:47 am

Two sweet boys in their pjs, waiting to see what the world has to offer them today.

This captured look scares me a bit, as it says, "I will do whatever you tell me, big brother".

"This is the day that the Lord has made, let us rejoice and be glad in it!"