It's been over 2 months since I have posted on this blog...
I am thinking about giving it up. Life is just not allowing time for it right now!
But, I thought I would fill you in on some of the craziness at Casa de Wood...
2011 is the Year of Transition for us. Here are some of the changes, in no particular order...
Andy has accepted a new job as RUF Pastor at VA Tech - this is the Presbyterian Church in
America's college ministry. We are so sad to be leaving our current job/friends/house, but also pumped to be working with college students! We will be moving in May/June.
Baby Wood #3 is coming! Due to make his or her appearance Aug. 6th.
With 3 car seats, we are upgrading from the station wagon to a minivan. Yes, a minivan. So...if you know anyone who wants to buy a fabulous black volvo wagon, please let us know!
Since we have to sell our house, move to a new house in Blacksburg, and are adding another
kiddo, it was time for sweet Bella to find a new home. This was a super-hard decision as she was our first baby and a part of the family for 6 years. However, her energy level and seizure disorder were making it hard to give her the care she needed. Through a German Shorthaired Pointer Rescue, we were able to find a WONDERFUL family with lots of land, 2 other dogs, and the ability to care for her! They have sent us these pictures...
Their land & other dogs (what an amazing view!)

Apparently they have a lake

Bella in her new favorite chair (guess you can't take the princess out of her)

She is probably wondering why we didn't send her there 3 years ago! It's such a blessing and relief to know she is in a great place. with no dog, a new car, selling a house, moving to a new town, finding another house, starting a new job, and having another baby. We are excited, overwhelmed, thankful, surprised, exhausted, energized, and just as crazy as usual :)
Thanks for checking in!