He had his 4 month check-up yesterday...here are his latest stats:
He weighs 15 lbs 2.5 ozs (58th percentile)
His height is 25.75 inches (80th percentile)
We've got a healthy, growing boy on our hands!
He weighs 15 lbs 2.5 ozs (58th percentile)
His height is 25.75 inches (80th percentile)
We've got a healthy, growing boy on our hands!
He now loves his exersaucer, as it allows him to bounce and be on his feet...

Please be praying for us over the next few nights as we do some "sleep training", as recommended by the doctor. Josiah has been waking up multiple times a night, just wanting his pacifier or to say hi to us. The doctor said we should let him cry it out and encourage him to sleep 10-12 hours a night. The end result would be great, as some of us haven't had a full night's sleep since June, but I fear this weekend is going to be not so fun. I know it seems like such a silly thing in light of what some folks are going through, but I do covet your prayers for us, as we operate on little sleep, but still try to love each other and our son.
send him over to Auntie A.K. and Uncle Scotty's house and we'll teach how to go to bed at 10pm and sleep till 11am the next day.... Uncle Scotty can teach him a thing or two about this thing called "laziness"
You can do it!!! We are big fans of sleep training. Carlee Scott started sleeping 12-13 hours each night very early on and she still does it. It's woooonderful! We'll be praying.
just came back from bible study- all of the Andrews AFB wives are praying for ya!
Praying for you- it is so hard to hear your sweet baby cry. I know you need it though.
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