My Aunt Emily made me a "taggie" and I love holding it, grabbing all the ribbons, and chewing on them, of course. You'll find it in my hands most of the time these days!

I have started eating rice cereal! I had no problem learning the whole "spoon" thing (surprise, problem with something associated with eating) and am learning to use my tongue well to swallow the cereal. I smile and laugh the whole time...I even open my mouth in anticipation of the next spoonful! Here I am with a cereal beard and a big grin.

These are just some pictures of me getting out of the bath a couple nights ago. I still love my baths. Mom & Dad might have to start wearing rain ponchos soon because I kick & splash the whole time, spraying water all over the bathroom. It's fun, though!

i guess you just made the post, and edited it later.
what a little squeezie! love the last picture!
ps- can't wait till christmas when we can see you next!
Josiah way to go on sleeping through the night. Keep it up cus i know your parents love it. I love the pics of bath time. They are so cute and capture his features so well.
I was looking on your blog to follow up on how the sleeping was going?!?! I take it from Ben and Anna's comment that he IS? Hope all three of you are enjoying some solid sleep at night. I know its hard but it did work for my two!
these pictures made my day!!!
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