Friday, January 11, 2008

The Greatest Toy...

You cannot buy it at Toys 'R Us and it may not stimulate brain waves like a colorful Baby Einstein contraption, but if you move with a 6-month-old, it may provide hours of endless (and contained) entertainment! What could this invention be?!? That's right...the good ol' fashioned box.

While Josiah & I were waiting for Andy to get home yesterday afternoon, I decided to let him play in a box. Here are the results...


porternews said...

he is too cute! i just want to squeeze him. we miss you all so much. amy, i will call you back, sorry for the delay. maybe this weekend?

Anonymous said...

what a cutie! We are praying for your transitions! love you!

A.K. said...

what a stud!

Jada Scruggs said...

he is SO cute - and such a happy baby!! glad y'all are safe in NC - happy new year!

Anonymous said...

hahaha! so adorable!

Catherine McPherson said...

ADORABLE!! Gotta love free entertainment:) Maybe we can catch up soon since you're on the east coast now!