Wednesday, March 26, 2008

A Few of My Favorite Things

No, I do not have any raindrops, roses, or kittens...just wanted to share a few of my favorite things with you. I actually captured them on camera over the past few days...

Bella and I have become great buddies since we moved. Add Josiah and we make quite a team. Whenever Josiah wakes up from a nap, Bella follows me into his room. The first thing we do is throw up the shades and look out the window at the world. We discuss trees, rocks, birds, squirrels...all of the important stuff. It's a pretty adorable sight, if I do say so myself.

I love cooking & baking and aspire to be fabulous in the kitchen...I'm learning and thankfully Andy is patient :) I absolutely LOVE fresh, homemade rolls (who doesn't) and was able to bake some for Easter dinner.

My boys and their books. Even though we ALREADY graduated from seminary, Andy has been constantly studying over the past few months in preparation for ordination (it's almost done, it's almost done). This past weekend, Josiah decided to help him write a paper. I think he's reading some theological dictionary...he had this very serious look on his face the whole time. I guess we might soon be moving on from Goodnight Moon and Freight Train!

Hope you enjoyed this peek into life at the Wood household. You're welcome to join us at the window anytime!

Tuesday, March 25, 2008


Josiah's first Easter was fun...the Easter Bunny brought a fantastic present...our friend Tyler!! He flew all the way from the Midwest to visit us and celebrate Easter. It was a chilly morning around here, so luckily Josiah had a new sweater from Mimi to wear for the day. Our first Easter service with our Redeemer family was great, then we had lunch and spent a relaxing afternoon with friends.

Checking out the Easter baskets

The boys before church

Family pic - For some reason, Josiah wouldn't really look at the camera at all over the weekend...too curious about everything I guess.

Playing in downtown Raleigh on Monday

Thanks for a fun visit, Tyler! It'll be great when you move here and we can hang out all the time :)

Tuesday, March 18, 2008

Gram & Pop came to play

Gram & Pop came to play this weekend...we had so much fun! We did some yardwork - conquering vines & shrubbery in the backyard, watched the ACC tourney, found a yummy Mexican restaurant, and of course, played & played with Josiah.

Here's the boy, enjoying the gorgeous weather and playing with his new giraffe, courtesy of Gram

And here are Gram & Pop with their favorite grandson :)

Thank you so much for all of your help in the yard and for such a fun weekend!

Thursday, March 13, 2008

I LOVE living in the South!

Note: If you are currently living in snowy St. Louis, you should maybe skip this post. Just because I'm gushing about NC today doesn't mean that I love y'all any less or don't miss St. Louis. I still do. I just happen to really like where I am now :)

Some reasons why I LOVE living in the South:

- People wave back when you wave to them on the street.

- Grocery store clerks ask if they can help you to the car with your bags.

- On my run this morning, I ran past a man who was working in his yard, talking on the phone, and still greeted me with "How y'all doing today, God bless ya."

- Today was sunny and in the upper 70s...I wore my jean skirt and flip flops. FLIP FLOPS in MARCH!!! There is such goodness in the world sometimes.