Monday, April 28, 2008

Tour de Virginia, Part II

Our next tour stop was to see Auntie AK & Uncle Scott. We played in the afternoon, then went to dinner with my (Amy's) grandparents.

Josiah showed Uncle Scott how he could walk all over the house.

Since they are moving to Texas in a few weeks, they gave Josiah his 1st birthday present a bit early. His first car!

Rollin' down the street, picking up chicks.

Somehow, I didn't get any pictures of Auntie AK on this trip...oops!

Our last stop was Richmond, where Josiah got to visit with Great-Grandmommie Rickman.

We then grilled out to celebrate Mimi's birthday. By that point, the photographer was tired of taking pictures, so we didn't get any of Mimi & Papa!

We had a fantastic time...YAY for fun families and fun trips!

Friday, April 25, 2008

Tour de Virginia

We have just returned from a whirlwind trip to Virginia. In 4 days we saw all of Josiah's great-grandparents, grandparents, aunts, uncles, and cousin. We slept in a different place each night, had lots of great car time, and basically looked like traveling hillbillies. I have to admit, I was a bit nervous about all of the traveling with a 10-month-old, but Josiah was fabulous! I'm sure it helped that we got loved on well every where we went.

First, we visited the Wood side of the family, spending time with Gram, Pop, and Grandma Jean.

Then, it was off to see Mark, Emily, & Campbell.

Sweet mama & her daughter

"Auntie Amy, please stop taking pictures. This is so boring!"


Reading time!

Campbell was giving Josiah some tips on using a sippy cup.

Stay tuned for more "Tour de Virginia" pictures!

Thursday, April 17, 2008

Birthdays and College Visits


Josiah is 10 months old today and we feel like time is flying. Soon he'll be in kindergarten, then driving, whew. So, we figure it's never too early to start thinking about that college education. I, Amy, took him on his first campus visit (well, really second, since he was at Lindenwood so much in St. Louis) this week! We actually went to visit my cousin Molly, who is a freshman at a NC school. It was a gorgeous day, we had lunch and toured a bit of campus.

Now, if he can just learn his ABC's...

Wednesday, April 16, 2008

I want to marry it

Is it bad to be in love with an inanimate object? I pretty much love my new camera so much that I want to marry it. Sorry Andy! Here are some of the first shots from the weekend. I'm just beginning to learn the new settings, so hopefully the pictures will keep improving!

Sunday, April 13, 2008

Early Birthday

I know, I know...the Wood family has been missing from the blog world for a few weeks. My excuses - the first week was cold & rainy and Josiah was sick, therefore no fun pictures. Then the second week was warm & sunny and we were playing outside all of the time, therefore no time to take pictures. We're back and we'll be taking lots of pictures from now on...

My (Amy) parents came to visit this weekend - to play with Josiah, help in the yard, and celebrate my birthday a little early. That's right - if you've forgotten and haven't gotten all of those fabulous presents, you still have 6 days.

My present from them was a COMPLETE surprise, as you'll see from my expressions below. They got me a new camera! I think the pictures speak for themselves...

Thanks for a fun weekend and a super-fun present!