Sunday, April 13, 2008

Early Birthday

I know, I know...the Wood family has been missing from the blog world for a few weeks. My excuses - the first week was cold & rainy and Josiah was sick, therefore no fun pictures. Then the second week was warm & sunny and we were playing outside all of the time, therefore no time to take pictures. We're back and we'll be taking lots of pictures from now on...

My (Amy) parents came to visit this weekend - to play with Josiah, help in the yard, and celebrate my birthday a little early. That's right - if you've forgotten and haven't gotten all of those fabulous presents, you still have 6 days.

My present from them was a COMPLETE surprise, as you'll see from my expressions below. They got me a new camera! I think the pictures speak for themselves...

Thanks for a fun weekend and a super-fun present!


BKicklighter said...

Are those DVDs the creative memories software??? WOW!!

anna rose said...

i was about to say, i haven't missed it yet! :) So excited you got a fun early birthday surprise!

Wedding numero uno of the year is done. Will call you soon! love you!

Jessica said...

What a great gift! Love it!

Jessie said...

I didn't know it was your birthday - Happy Birthday!

Melissa said...

Did you get that bag for your birthday, too?? Where is it from, I LOOOOVE it!! Happy birthday :-) (P.S. I am a friend of AK's from Tech)