My (Amy) parents came to visit this weekend - to play with Josiah, help in the yard, and celebrate my birthday a little early. That's right - if you've forgotten and haven't gotten all of those fabulous presents, you still have 6 days.
My present from them was a COMPLETE surprise, as you'll see from my expressions below. They got me a new camera! I think the pictures speak for themselves...

Thanks for a fun weekend and a super-fun present!
Are those DVDs the creative memories software??? WOW!!
i was about to say, i haven't missed it yet! :) So excited you got a fun early birthday surprise!
Wedding numero uno of the year is done. Will call you soon! love you!
What a great gift! Love it!
I didn't know it was your birthday - Happy Birthday!
Did you get that bag for your birthday, too?? Where is it from, I LOOOOVE it!! Happy birthday :-) (P.S. I am a friend of AK's from Tech)
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