Thursday, May 1, 2008

5 Seconds

I literally turned my back for 5 SECONDS...I walked into the kitchen to throw something away, came back, and found this.

Josiah had walked from the coffee table to the couch to the end table and thrown a pile of mail & books onto the floor. And he was laughing about it. I guess that's the end of piles around here!

Off to the next mess...


Ben and Anna said...

welcome to my life! I think i am busy cleaning my house only to find a trail of messes behind me as i go. Oh the joys....

Anonymous said...

He is so cute! I can't wait to him in june. Is he walking?

anna rose said...

love him love him love him :)

emily said...

Hey Amy! I love checking your blog and seeing Josiah grow up. I had to laugh about this because Owen is doing the EXACT same thing! He loves to walk around my coffee table pulling everything onto the floor. Gone are the days when I leave anything of value within his reach!

Jessica said...

The fun has only just begun;)