Monday, May 12, 2008


As some of you know, I am a fairly recent participant in The Grocery Game . If you haven't heard of it, it's a way to use coupons and save money while grocery shopping...a large database tracks store sales and newspaper coupons, allowing you to purchase items at the lowest possible price (or even free!) I am still a GG newbie and nowhere near as good as my thrifty friend Becky. Sometimes she even gets paid to shop...oh, I can only aspire to be that good. I usually save about 40% on my groceries. Today, I am boasting a bit because I ROCKED THE GAME! I saved over 50%!!! This morning, at my local Harris Teeter, I saved $25.90 and spent only $22.68. There was applause, a confetti parade, & dancing in the was a beautiful sight. I acknowledge my nerdiness at this point, but somehow it just feels good to have gotten $50 worth of groceries for $22.68. If you have to shop for groceries, you might as well make a game out of it :)


Mimi said...

Way to go, Ames! That's my girl!

BKicklighter said...

I applaud you, oh GG newbie. I believe the title newbie must now be passed to another. .

Oh, and your cards have been ready since the day you won. I am waiting for a day when I can go to the post office with 1. no children 2. no severe weather 3. and I remember to take the package. SO SORRY!

Anonymous said...

that's amazing. I'm quite impressed.