Ahh, the rite of passage known as the "1st Birthday Cake"...Such a great experience full of sugar and messiness. We had a little family party after dinner last night (the party being me, Andy, Bella, & Josiah - what more do you need for a good time?!?) I made a little birthday cake for Josiah and we let him dive in! All in all, it was a bit anti-climactic. I was expecting icing smeared all over the place and at least one face plant into the cake itself, but alas, he only made a tiny mess. He wasn't even interested in the cake, he just wanted to scrape the icing off and eat it. He is his daddy's child.
And today, he had his 1 year check-up at the pediatrician's.
His current stats:
Weight: 21 lbs 11.5 ozs (35%)
Height: 30 inches (55-60%)
Head circumference: 48 cm (90%) - Again, his daddy's child :)
love the hat- that's classic and we'll definitely be having those photos in his wedding slideshow later in life! hah!
haha! so cute! :)
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