Saturday, March 7, 2009

Recipe for Pure Joy

All you need is an almost 80 degree day, sunshine, and a swing!

(Warning - if you easily succumb to motion-sickness, do not watch this video)

As you can see, Josiah is talking all the time these days and LOVES to play outside. We're so excited for Spring!


Ben and Anna said...

wow he is getting so big and saying so much! I need to see that little boy sometime soon! Are we ever going to see that growing belly?

Annie said...

He really is talking alot! It's so cute to hear him! We are ALSO VERY EXCITED for Spring. It has (as always!) been a very long winter!!! :)

kamibethjones said...

what a doll! I can't believe how big he's gotten. and so much to say!! :)