That's right, folks. Josiah has officially moved into a "big boy bed" in a new "big boy room". We decided to keep the nursery where it was and move him into what was the guest room/sewing room/office. He's sleeping in a double bed so that we can theoretically move him to the floor and still have a spot for our guests when they come. He moved over a week ago and is doing great! I didn't want to post about it last week, in case I would jinx the whole situation, but he has been super-excited about his new room. He's slept great for naps and nighttime and doesn't yet realize that he could get in and out of bed on his own. We're going to keep that a secret for as long as possible, so please don't tell him :)
The biggest thrill has been his new train table. Andy is a Craigslist rockstar and found the train table and some tracks for a total of $15!!! We did a little scrubbing and everything was good as new!

He got a new quilt from Mimi with all kinds of trucks on it. He wakes up talking about trucks or trains every morning!

This goofy boy always wants to wear silly things as hats. Today, it was "Raffie" his giraffe blanky. He wore it the whole time he was playing with the trains.
Now we just have to get the nursery ready for the next little guy...
So cute! The train table is great!
oh it looks great!
i love that he put the giraffe on his head. So fashion forward ;)
Love the room! Its precious - such a happy space. Hope you are feeling well, and can't wait to talk soon. Only a few more weeks! AH!
so glad that he has done so well! our first night of him staying in his bed was a total fluke. he figured out the very next day that he could get out of his bed any time he wanted. so needless to say, we are battling bedtimes and night wakings:( oh, and both of our boys have the same giraffe blankie too!
so are ya using the cute surfer stuff for the new guy coming? Praying for you with all this change! Will miss you at GA this year! We will say hi to Mickey for you!
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