Some of our most favorite people from St. Louis came to play a couple weeks ago...the Porters! We met in seminary, back when no one had kids, dogs, houses, etc. Times have changed! In 2 years, our crew has grown from 4 to 8 and it is a wild, fun crew indeed. The Porters were driving back to St. Louis from the NC beaches and were kind enough (or crazy enough) to stop by our house for an afternoon/evening. The kids had a blast, the adults were able to catch up, and after dinner it was obviously time for a diaper dance party. Anna was trying to get her two into pajamas and Josiah decided it would be fun to join in. Ella grabbed his toy guitar and the rest is history. Unfortunately, Cooper was sleeping, but we were able to snap some pictures of the rest of them!
Maybe we'll get to use these pictures in their wedding slideshow. I love the looks of pure giddiness on their faces.

We have some video of the actual dancing, but for some reason it is not uploading correctly...maybe in a later post.
Thank you Porters for stopping by...we loved it!
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