Thursday, April 21, 2011

30 is the new 20


I guess I'm supposed to really be a grown-up now! I had a fun birthday this past Tuesday...a special breakfast, Starbucks, flowers, and dinner out with my 3 boys! We went to an outdoor mall near us since it was a beautiful day. I took the opportunity to attempt some pictures with the boys, as I realized I have no pictures of them with me since last summer. I thought there should be proof that I actually am in their life :)

Here's to a new decade!

Friday, April 1, 2011

Opening Day!

Andy & I both love baseball. Yesterday was the 2011 Season Opening Day! And - a major bonus - our beloved St. Louis Cardinals were on TV! We decided to start a tradition, hoping to pass on our love of the sport to the boys. Andy took the afternoon off & we all watched the game. The boys wore baseball shirts, we had ballpark food for snack (soft pretzels) and dinner (pizza - I just couldn't bring myself to do hot dogs), practiced throwing & catching, and had a great afternoon!

This makes my heart happy

YAY for new traditions!