Friday, September 9, 2011

Andy's Installation

Not only was this past weekend Sadie Jane's one month birthday and the first VT football game, it was also Andy's installation as the RUF Pastor at VA Tech! The installation was a ceremony where he was asked some questions, given a charge, and officially granted his position as RUF Pastor. It was a great ceremony and celebration.

Some of our favorite people from Raleigh were here - Mary-Brooke and Dan Seale! Dan preached at the installation service and Mary-Brooke came for the App State game and stayed for the weekend. The boys LOVED having them around.

Man, we really miss those Seales...and not just for their superior arm strength :) I can't believe those are the only pictures I got of them all weekend, but they are.

The "commission" crew - pastors/elders who installed Andy

RUF students!

Gram & Pop were here for the festivities!

A family picture to mark the occasion

I'm still getting used to seeing us as a family of 5...
A fun-filled weekend, thank you everyone!

1 comment:

Danielle said...

I just have to say you look so pretty in these pictures! And that was a fun evening. We're so glad y'all are here.